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This examination paper consists of four questions. There will be four documents.  All questions are based on the following prescribed subject:
The Move to Global War
  • 20% of your IB grade for college credit

  • 1 hour

  • 4 documents covering the prescribed subject "Move to Global War" as outlined above.  One document maybe non-textual (map, photo, etc.)

  • 4 questions total based on the 5 provided documents:

               1.  Can you read the lines (5 pts)

               2.  With reference to the origin and purpose and content, what is the value and limitation of (a specific history subject) (4 pts)

               3.  Can you compare and contrast the lines (6 pts)

               4.  Using outside knowledge and the documents provided, answer a question (i.e Can you use these lines and integrate

                    them with your own knowledge). (9 pts)

                Point total = 24 pts weighted as 20% of your total IB grade

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